Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


We’ve done our best to explain clearly and simply what personal data we need from you and what we’re going to do with it. That’s why we’ve listed the most important points below, as a summary, and if you want to know more, you can find complete and detailed information in our Privacy Notice.

In addition, we are always available to answer any questions you may have by emailing To talk specifically about your data, we have a specific channel:

1) Who is responsible for processing your personal data?

We are the controllers of the processing of personal data relating to Visitors, i.e. once a Visitor enters our site or fills in forms, we collect some information and make decisions to provide our service in the best and safest way possible.

Some operators are necessary for the site to be available, such as: server platforms, hosting, among others.  These companies then have access to your data. However, our contracts always ensure that your information is treated securely.

2) How will we secure your data?

Minerva Controls is very concerned about the security of your data. For this reason, it implements all the measures suggested by the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) in its Guidelines for Small Processing Agents, which includes a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your information.

3) For what purposes do we use your personal data?

All your data is processed for specific purposes and by the Brazilian Data Protection Law. When you fill in a form at Minerva Controls, you can provide us with the following information: Name, Telephone and E-mail.

We may process this information for:

  • Send contacts related to sales and marketing;
  • Offer our services or products;

We may also collect some information indirectly, by our Cookie Policies.

To better understand what we do with the information, we have provided a table in our Privacy Notice.

4) Who do we share your personal data with?

We will not share your data with third parties, except in the cases mentioned in this Notice, in the event of the legal consent of the holder of the personal data and by a court order or legal determination.

5) Will your access logs be collected?

When you enter our site, we collect your access logs, i.e. the set of information relating to the date and time of use of a given Internet application from a given IP address. This information will be kept by Minerva Controls, under secrecy, in a controlled and secure environment, for a minimum period of 06 (six) months, under the terms of Federal Law nº. 12.965/2014, and article 7, II, of Federal Law nº 13.709/18.

6) Will records of communications be stored?

We will also store the conversations you have with us on our communication channels, as this will improve your service and make it more efficient. Without this history, every time you contacted us you would have to repeat what you have already told us.

7) What are your rights?

Even if you have already provided your personal data, you have the full right to request from the controller at any time: confirmation of the existence of processing of your data; access to your data; correction of your data; anonymization of data; blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive data or data processed in breach of the Law; the portability of data to another provider; deletion of data, except those required by law; obtaining information on who Minerva Controls has carried out shared use of data; obtaining information on the possibility of not providing consent and on the consequences of refusing; and going back and carrying out the revocation of your consent.

8) What is the content of the Privacy Notice?

The Privacy Notice is divided as follows to make it easier for you to access the information:

  1. a) Date of Availability of the Text;
  2. b) Explanation of Technical or Foreign Language Terms;
  3. c) Handling Agents;
  4. d) Information Security;
  5. e) Data Collection;
  6. f) Processing of Personal Data;
  7. g) Deletion of Data;
  8. h) Rights of the Data Subject;
  9. i) Changes to the Privacy Notice;
  10. j) Privacy Communication Channel;
  11. k) Contact on General Matters.


Before accessing the Minerva Controls website, it is important that you read, understand and freely, unequivocally and informedly accept this Privacy Notice.

This website, whose electronic address is, is owned and maintained by MINERVA CONTROLS SOLUÇÕES INDUSTRIAIS LTDA, registered with the Brazilian National Register of Legal Entities under nº. 22.553.524/0001-42, with address at street Professor Dorival Dias Minhoto, 333, block court 4, unity 183, district Lauzane Paulista, São Paulo/SP, Postal Code: 02435-090.

This document aims to provide information on the collection, use and storage (“processing”) of data provided by Visitors and complies with Federal Law nº 12.965/2014 (Civil Framework for the Internet) and Federal Law nº 13.709/18 (Brazilian Data Protection Law).


1.1 This version of this document was made available on 10/11/2023.


2.1 Below are the meanings of technical nomenclature and terms in the English language:

  • Controller: natural or legal person, whether governed by public or private law, who is responsible for decisions relating to the processing of personal data.

  • Cookies: small text files that are stored on the internet user’s computer and can be retrieved by the website that sent them during browsing. They are mainly used to identify and store information about visitors.

  • Cryptography: set of principles and techniques for encrypting writing, making it unintelligible to those who do not have access to the combined conventions.

  • Personal data: information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

  • Sensitive personal data: personal data concerning racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, membership of a trade union or religious, philosophical or political organization, data concerning health or sex life, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person.

  • Data Protection Officer: a person appointed by the controller and operator to act as a communication channel between the controller, the data subjects and the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (ANPD).
  • IP (or Internet Protocol): unique identification for each computer connected to a network.

  • Operator: a natural or legal person, whether governed by public or private law, who processes personal data on behalf of the controller;

  • Data processing: any operation carried out with personal data, such as those relating to the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, deletion, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction.

  • Visitor(s): the person(s) using our site.


3.1 We are controllers of the processing of personal data relating to Visitors, i.e., once a Visitor enters our site or fills in forms, we collect certain information and make decisions to provide our service in the best and safest way possible.

3.2 Some operators are required to make the site available. They will therefore have access to Visitor data for the following purposes:

3.2.1. Microsoft Azure: since personal data is stored on its servers;

3.2.2. Microsoft Azure: since they are responsible for indirect data collection;

3.2.3. Microsoft Azure: since they are responsible for traffic analysis, preferences and distribution of advertisements. These companies are independent and have no connection with this text. Therefore, we recommend that Visitors also read the terms of use and privacy notice of these tools and see if they agree with all the provisions before proceeding to use the site.

3.3 Our contractors always ensure that your information is treated securely. Therefore, as soon as these companies have access to this data, they become responsible for the security, treatment and proper sharing of this information, and may not disclose it for other purposes, in breach of current legislation or this Privacy Notice, under penalty of being liable for all penalties, in particular those of a civil, criminal nature and those applied by the National Data Protection Authority.


4.1. Minerva Controls is very concerned about the security of your personal data. For this reason, it implements all the measures suggested by the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) in its Guidelines for Small Processing Agents, which includes a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your information.

4.1.1 In addition, we have effective measures and controls in place to prevent or reduce Information Security risks, with an approach geared to the Principles of the matter, to prevent, detect, respond to and recover quickly from a threat to protect confidentiality, integrity, and availability of technological assets and information.

4.2 All access logs, a set of information relating to the date and time of use of a given Internet application from a given IP address, will be kept by Minerva Controls, under confidentiality, in a controlled and secure environment, for a minimum period of 06 (six) months, under the terms of Federal Law nº 12.965/2014, and article 7, II, of Federal Law 13709/18.      

4.3 Minerva Controls is committed to preserving the stability, security and functionality of the website, through technical measures compatible with international standards and by encouraging the use of good practices. However, no service available on the Internet is fully guaranteed against illegal intrusions. In cases where unauthorized third parties invade the system illegally, Minerva Controls will make every effort to find the person responsible for the illegal action, but is not responsible for any damage caused by them.


5.1. When you fill in a form at Minerva Controls, you can provide us with the following information:  Name, Telephone and E-mail.

5.2 Contact history: Minerva Controls stores information regarding all interactions that have already taken place between Visitors through the website, such as emails, telephone contacts, WhatsApp and contact forms, as this will improve its service and make it more efficient. Without this history, you would probably have to repeat what you have already told us every time you contact us.

5.3 Information we collect indirectly: In addition to access logs, we may also collect some information indirectly, following our Cookie Policies.


6.1 By accepting this privacy notice, the Visitor understands that Minerva Controls processes their personal data per the information shown in the table below.

Type of Personal Data

Legal basis





1) Necessary for the performance of a contract or preliminary procedures related to a contract to which the data subject is a party, at the request of the data subject (Art. 7, V, Federal Law nº 13.709/2018).

2) Necessary to meet the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party (Art. 7, IX, Federal Law nº 13.709/2018).


1) Used to identify the Visitor and provide targeted responses.

2) Used for marketing actions, notifications and informing you of changes to our terms, services or policies.



E-mail / Telephone


1) Necessary for the performance of a contract or preliminary procedures related to a contract to which the data subject is a party, at the request of the data subject (Art. 7, V, Federal Law nº 13.709/2018).

2) Necessary to meet the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party (Art. 7, IX, Federal Law nº 13.709/2018).


1) Used as a means of communication with the Visitor, to respond to their requests and provide targeted responses.

2) Used for marketing actions, notifications and informing you of changes to our terms, services or policies.


Chat history


Is Necessary to meet the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party (Art. 7, IX, Federal Law nº 13.709/2018).


Creation of a history on the Visitor, ease of communication, greater effectiveness in resolving queries and improvement in the Visitor’s experience with the services provided by Minerva Controls.



Access log (IP – Internet Protocol – date and time of access)

Compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation by the controlling shareholder (Art. 7, II, Federal Law nº 13.709/2018).


Compliance with article 15 of Federal Law nº 12.965/2014, which imposes the duty on Minerva Controls to keep the respective records of access to internet applications confidential, in a controlled and secure environment, for a period of 6 (six) months.




7.1 When the purpose of data processing ends or when requested by e-mail to, the Visitor will have all their data deleted immediately and permanently, except for data whose maintenance is mandatory by law or regulation, data necessary for the regular exercise of rights in judicial, administrative or arbitration proceedings, such as access logs (set of information regarding the date and time of use of a given Internet application from a given IP address), which will be kept confidential, in a controlled and secure environment, for a period of 6 (six) months, under the terms of Federal Law nº 12.965/2014 and on the legal basis of art. 7, II, of the Brazilian Data Protection Law.


8.1. The holder of personal data has the right to obtain from the controller, in relation to the data processed by him, at any time and upon request:

8.1.1 Confirmation of the existence of data processing;

8.1.2 Access to data;

8.1.3 Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;

8.1.4 Anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive data or data processed in breach of the provisions of Federal Law 13.709/2018;

8.1.5. portability of data to another service or product provider, upon express request, by the regulations of the national authority, observing commercial and industrial secrets;

8.1.6. Deletion of data processed with the consent of the data subject, except in the cases provided for in Federal Law 13.709/2018;

8.1.7 Information on the public and private entities with which the controller has shared data;

8.1.8. Information on the possibility of not providing consent and the consequences of refusing to do so;

8.1.9 Revocation of consent.


9.1 Minerva Controls may unilaterally add and/or modify any clause contained in this Privacy Notice. The updated version will be valid for use of the website from the date of its publication. Visitor’s continued access to or use of the site after its publication will confirm that the new Privacy Notice is in force.

9.2 If the change made requires the Visitor’s consent, they will be given the option of freely, unequivocally and informedly accepting the new text or refusing it.

9.3 If the Visitor does not agree with the change, they may not provide consent for specific acts or they may completely terminate their relationship with Minerva Controls. Such termination shall not, however, relieve the Visitor from complying with all obligations assumed under previous versions of the Privacy Notice.


10.1 Minerva Controls informs you that, as a small processing agent, it is exempt from appointing a data controller, under the terms of Resolution of the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority No. 2 of January 27, 2022.

10.2 However, it emphasizes that your privacy remains our priority, which is why it provides the following channel for communication on any matter involving personal data:

10.3 Minerva Controls has a specific text to regulate the license of use, rights, duties, guarantees and general provisions: the Terms of Use. All these documents form an inseparable part of this Privacy Notice.


11.1 Minerva Controls provides the following channel to receive all communications that Visitors wish to make: e-mail

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